.o w n e r.

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Kulai - Kuala Terengganu, Johor - Terengganu, Malaysia
mother of 2 awesome DamienMedina. currently working from home ( Qaseh Gold and babystuff)


Saturday, August 7, 2010

.1 wonderful nite.

contoh penulisan skema..
last nite my bf and i went to watch dis muvi

it such a gud muvi actually n we enjoyed it so much!
thanks to mr.bf who did well in choosing which muvi 2 watch!hahahaha..
i donno wat went wrong but if its me da 1 who chose muvi (like before and always) , the muvi turn out to be not-interesting at all..
i repeat AT ALL..!huhu..
at first we plan to watch step up 3D but i donno why..cite tu takde kat sunway pyramid!!!grrrr~
afta the muvi we went to s.alam for lepak-ing..
err...with mr.bf-poly's-bestfren!hehe..
well..what to say?
we ( i mean me and all the mr.bf-poly's-bestfren ) knew each other for so long but last nite was the first time we met muke-to-muke!hahaha..
emmm..the conclusion is..
i love every single minute that we spent together mr.bf!=)
pssst - it includes all the trouble i caused u and my moody-face before that muvi ye mr.bf?sape suh buat i marah!!hahaha..
i u!!hihi..


choretan manushia said...

"mr.bf-poly's-bestfren" a really nice nickname though!!..hahaha

Adah said...


yeahhh munzir!!u r one of them watt??;b

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